Saturday, June 27, 2009

Saturday Morning

I have a rare unscheduled Saturday morning, which is good for blogging because lunchtime blogging is now impossible. Our corporate Mothership has decreed that we shall have no internet access that isn't 100% business-related. Unfortunately I don't think I can justify Blogger or Ravelry access for my accounting job.

My Saturday morning, the way I wish all my mornings were spent:

Good coffee from the french press, blogs on the laptop, a sunny day to enjoy through the back door window, and Cat In Bowl(tm). Well, I enjoyed it until the laptop battery crapped out ten minutes later. It's about time for a new battery.

I have an FO! Well, 50% of an FO. I finished the first Opal Southwest purse sock last night, grafted the toe and even took notes in Evernote so I can theoretically create an indentical mate.

This is a dead simple top-down sock with an alternating twisted rib, regular 50% heel flap, round heel and round toe, knit magic loop style. I'm almost done with the twisted rib on the second one. I love the colors, the blues and faded greens with just a touch of brown grounding it. It reminds me of an old pine forest.

Spinning has been hit-or-miss, depending on how well the air conditioning is working. At 99 degrees and high humidity here at the Meeting of the Rivers, it's way too hot to spin on the porch now. The wool would felt in my drafting hand if I tried. I'm still working on the BFMA Sheep to Shoe roving, which seems to magically propagate in its bowl when my back is turned.

We are supposed to have cooler weather tomorrow for my birthday. Eighty-six degrees should feel refreshing after this week of dangerous heat advisories and heat indexes over 120 degrees. Hopefully I can get outside tomorrow morning to flick-card the sandy fleece I washed last weekend; I want to see if it's going to be usable or if I'm going to have to crank up the hot water heater and try to wash it again.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! I absolutely cracked up when I saw the kitty in the bowl. Fabulous. Your sock is so pretty and we'll wait for you to post. No sense in getting in trouble at work;-P